Services: Areas of Practice

Analysis, Strategy & Implementation

Strategy Planning & Facilitation

We specialize in facilitating planning discussions in the public and non-profit sectors - both within organizations and with consortia - to clarify priorities, set goals, identify competitive advantages/opportunities and align resources. Our planning processes include creating frameworks for assessment of impact. 

High Impact Communication

Translating complex ideas and plans into digestible and actionable communication is important for success. We help distill ideas and plans into summaries, reports, press releases, dashboards and visuals, depending on clients' target audiences.  

Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis

Relevant, locally-tailored background research is critical for understanding baselines and evaluating progress. We develop succinct summaries of data indicators, review existing research, and design and conduct interviews to deepen understanding. Specialties include: economic trend analysis, labor market analysis, gap analysis. 

Career Pathways

Building more seamless connections across education systems and with the workforce is both a passion and area of expertise. In the North & East Bay Area of California, Compass Policy has helped to implement a large scale career pathways initiative; supporting systems alignment, more successful student transitions and marketing. 

Initiative Design & Implementation

We work with clients to design interventions to help implement strategic plans, including launching and reimagining initiatives, campaigns, agency services and programs. The design process takes into account clients' values and impact goals, and implementation focuses on attaining tangible outcomes.    

Sector Strategies

At Compass Policy, we help clients plan, implement and sustain sector strategies and industry sector partnerships. Organizing business engagement by sector can help aggregate employer perspectives and encourage alignment among education, workforce and other community partners. Principal Janine Kaiser has experience supporting partnerships in Manufacturing, Information Technology, Health, Advanced Transportation and Hospitality, in various regions of California, Arizona and Nevada.


(510) 542-9138